The multiton is somewhat an extension of the singleton pattern. It is referred as registry of singletons by the GOF
. I don’t know for sure who appointed the name multiton: it’s an analogy derived from the term singleton. So, singleton = single + ton; while multiton = multi + ton.
The singleton pattern guarantees that a class has only one instance; while the multiton allows keeping multiple instances by maintaining a map of related keys and unique objects. Note that there can be only one instance per key when implementing the multiton pattern. Also, note that the key does not have to be a string value; it can be an object for example. Nonetheless, in our code sniped we will consider the key to be a string.
I am going to tweak my singleton class implementation so that I can make it a multiton instead:
A few things I want you to note:
The singleton pattern guarantees that a class has only one instance; while the multiton allows keeping multiple instances by maintaining a map of related keys and unique objects. Note that there can be only one instance per key when implementing the multiton pattern. Also, note that the key does not have to be a string value; it can be an object for example. Nonetheless, in our code sniped we will consider the key to be a string.
I am going to tweak my singleton class implementation so that I can make it a multiton instead:
unit Multiton;
TMultiton = class
//Private fields and methods here...
class var _registry: TDictionary<string, TMultiton>;
class function Create(aName: string): TMultiton;
class destructor Destroy;
class function Lookup(aName: string): TMultiton;
destructor Destroy; override;
//Other public methods and properties here...
{ TMultiton }
class function TMultiton.Create(aName: string): TMultiton;
if not Assigned(_registry) then
_registry:= TDictionary<string, TMultiton>.Create;
if not _registry.TryGetValue(aName, Result) then
Result:= inherited Create as Self;
_registry.Add(aName, Result);
class destructor TMultiton.Destroy;
if Assigned(_registry) then
class function TMultiton.Lookup(aName: string): TMultiton;
if Assigned(_registry) then
_registry.TryGetValue(aName, Result);
destructor TMultiton.Destroy;
_instance: TMultiton;
ValuesArray: TArray<TMultiton>;
if Assigned(_registry) then
ValuesArray:= _registry.Values.ToArray;
_registry:= nil;
for _instance in ValuesArray do
if _instance <> Self then
A few things I want you to note:
- Instead of a single instance, we are holding a registry of instances. We do so by introducing the class variable _registry of type TDictionary<string, TMultiton>.
- We register (create) the different instances by calling the class function Create. This function gets the key name as a parameter. A new instance is only created if no matches to the key name are found in the dictionary. If a match is found, then the corresponding value is returned from the dictionary data structure.
- The Lookup class function allows retrieving a particular instance by giving its key name. Note that the Create function can also be used for this purpose, but it feels more natural to call Lookup for the searches, and Create for the registration (creation) of instances.
- We have provided a regular destructor that once invoked releases all the memory: not only the current multiton instance, but the whole registry.
- We have also provided a class destructor in case that we forget to manually release the memory.
Consider reading these books about design patterns if you haven’t yet:
This pattern is called "Singleton Service Locator Pattern".
ReplyDeleteI recommend to avoid this pattern and go for "dependency injection".
I believe this needs some sort of reference counting to be useful. If you request an object by name in one procedure and while you still have it in another call request the same object by name, it returns the same instance...if you use the standard method of calling free on an object when your done, an AV is sure to be generated by the first requested instance if it is used again. Reference counting would prevent the destruction if there are outstanding instances. The class destructor should have some sort of override on this behavior.