Enabling TLang to handle more than 17 translations: a workaround for a regression bug in Delphi XE3

I recently had to localize a FireMonkey application and for that I aimed to use the TLang component. With TLang you can define a collection of native strings to be localized and the corresponding translations to a particular language. To my surprise the component was allowing to store a maximum of 17 translations for the whole application. So, what about the other strings that need localization?

It seems there’s a regression issue from Delphi XE2 to Delphi XE3 that is preventing TLang to store more than 17 translations. You can even find an entry for this in Embarcadero Quality Central, for which no workaround or fix has been provided up to this date.

I found a programmatic workaround for this issue. Basically, the native strings and the translations could be loaded from text files in which each line will have the form:


You will need one file containing the native strings and the translations per language. These files can contain as many lines as you which (certainly more than 17). In order to load those files into an existing TLang component you can use the function below:

procedure LoadTranslationsFromFile(aLangCode: string; aFileName: string; aLang: TLang);
  Translations: TStrings;
  if (aLangCode <> '') and
     (FileExists(aFileName)) and
     (Assigned(aLang)) then
    Translations:= TStringList.Create;
    aLang.Resources.AddObject(aLangCode, Translations);

For an example of how to use such function see below:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  LoadTranslationsFromFile('ES', 'C:\Temp\Lang_Test_ES.txt', Lang1);
  LoadTranslationsFromFile('EN', 'C:\Temp\Lang_Test_EN.txt', Lang1);

Hopefully this bug will be fixed in the near future; but meanwhile you can use this workaround to handle more than 17 translations with the TLang component.